The go-to guide for dealing with Reviews on your Stor shop.
The Power of Social Proof
WikiPedia defines Social Proof as:
"Social proof is considered prominent in ambiguous social situations where people are unable to determine the appropriate mode of behaviour, and is driven by the assumption that the surrounding people possess more knowledge about the current situation."
In an eCommerce environment, this can lead to new customers converting at a higher rate due to the affect of Social Proof on them. In fact, 83% percent of online respondents in 60 countries said they trust the recommendations of friends and family - according to a Nielsen Global Trust survey. And, 63% of consumers said that they're more likely to purchase from a site if it has product ratings and reviews.
The power of Social Proof is huge, and is a viable marketing avenue that should be considered - just Google "How to get social proof" and the 432 million results will attest to that.
For the purposes of this article however, we'll stick to the Reviews and Ratings side of Social Proof.
Adding Reviews on Stor
If a customer sends you a review or puts a review on Facebook or Google for example, you can add this to the product directly. Head to your shop's admin area and click "Reviews" from the left menu. You should then see the 'Add New Review' button, hit that and you'll see a screen like this:
Complete all of the details and the star review (if they gave you one). There is also a free text section at the bottom of the screen to add the customer's message/review. Hit 'Save' and then, when you're happy ensure you Enable the review to make it live on your shop.
Why Reviews Are Important to The Success of Your Business?
Customer reviews are vital to the growth of your business. Please review this link for more insight on the value of Customer Reviews:
If you have any queries about this feel free to get in touch with our Support team on Live Chat or via email.