The Stor platform automatically generates meta titles and descriptions for products, pages, categories, etc. However, you can always change these to suit your needs or to target specific keywords.
To amend the Meta Titles and Descriptions for Products just follow these steps:
- Login to your Stor Shop here.
- Navigate to Products using the menu on the left
Click on the Product that you would like to change the meta title/description for.
- Select the SEO option on the Product menu
Now just add the Title and Description as you'd like them to appear.
It's worth pointing out again - just to be sure - not to put too many keywords into the title or description.
Ensuring that they're both readable by a human is what Search Engines expect to see and will reward. Conversely, nasty, spammy titles and descriptions will be pushed down the rankings.
Rather than repeating what others have said we would rather point you towards the wonderful and very informed people over at Ahrefs and their post on How to Craft the Perfect SEO Title Tag
If you have any queries about this feel free to get in touch with our Support team on Live Chat or via email.