As well as physical and audio products, you can sell Digital products like ebooks, PDFs, software, videos, etc. through your Stor shop.
Add Digital Products
Login to your Stor shop and navigate to Products
Click the Add New Product button to bring up the Audio, Physical, Digital modal.
Select Digital.
Add Information
Before you set the product as live (enabled) you'll need to complete some details.
First off, we need a name for the product.
Remember that the name is used in the product's URL so ensure it's something relevant and good for SEO (without keyword stuffing).
You have 3 options to choose from in regards to the Price of Digital Products:
- Fixed Price - You set a price like any other product, which the customer pays for access
- Exchange for Email - If you're using the product as a lead generator then setting the 'Price' as exchange for email is a great way to do this. Note: this is essentially a 'free' product.
- Totally Free Download - customers can download this product without paying or giving an email address. Good for bonus items, raising brand awareness, etc.
The normal 'On Sale', RRP and Cost Price inputs are available for Digital Products, if you so wish. These are optional.
Note: Cost price does not show on your shop's front end.
You can set License rights and SKU code within the Product Details Panel.
License settings (as shown above) are shown on the front end Product Page and gives you some legal recourse for misuse of your digital products. This may not be applicable to your product but would be beneficial if you're selling art work, research based on Intellectual Property, or gated materials such as training courses, etc.
For more on (Creative Commons) License types take a look at our article on Using Stock Imagery on Your eCommerce Shop.
Of course every product should have a comprehensive Description to assist the customer in deciding to part with their hard-earned cash.
Product Tags - are used to aid in customer searches and group similar products together within a 'tag cloud'. This means if a customer is on a product and clicks a tag then they will be taken to a search results page that shows them all products with the same tag.
Order Notes for customer - if you need to add a note for the customer on the order success page and email then enter the information here. This could be a password for logging in to a gated website, a link to an Unlisted YouTube video or another message. This is limited to 255 characters so that it fits in the email and success pages.
Badge - if you need to highlight a product with a badge you can enter the required text here. If a product is your best seller then you can mark it as such or if it's a new item or possibly a limited quantity of items remain so a "Last few" badge may be suitable.
Adding Files
Before you can Save/Enable a digital product you need to add a digital file. Click the Digital Files option on the left hand menu.
Click the 'Upload file' button to bring up a file explorer and select the relevant file(s) to add to your product.
Once it's uploaded hit the Save button.
Other Options
The following are optional, although some are strongly suggested like product Images.
As with Audio and Physical products, images are important to aid your customer in purchasing/downloading this product.
For digital products this is harder as you generally don't have something to take a picture of. So using a picture of someone using your product is the next best thing. If you're selling ebooks, a photo of someone reading it on their kindle or iPad may work. Alternatively, if you're selling software or video courses then seeing someone using/viewing this on a laptop may be more suitable.
Remember that images are crucial to give your potential customer as much information about a product as possible. Help them visualise what they'll use the product for and how it may improve their life or make them feel.
Related Items:
Every opportunity to increase your average order value should be an opportunity embraced. One such option is adding related items to your product range. Is there something that you suggest customers use that would compliment the product they're buying. For example, if they're purchasing an eLearning course then perhaps a nice notebook and pen would be beneficial or a planner/diary so they can keep track of their time.
Bundled Products:
You can add any bonus items that come with the product here. This could be a social media calendar to accompany (and add value to) your "Gaining Social Media Followers" ebook or perhaps a Transcription of your Video or vice versa.
Other Buy Links:
If you want to give customers options to purchase your product with another supplier then you can add the details for that here. Simply select the relevant 'Audio' provider and enter the URL to your product on their site.
If you have any queries about this feel free to get in touch with our Support team on Live Chat or via email.